By this way you will receive messages, pokes, friend requests and even new messages on your wall. Facebook Desktop is an easy to use application and it will show on your desktop what happens with your Facebook friends. Overall, Facebook for Chrome is a good extension to quickly glance at your information but is missing some features that stop it from being a complete portal to your Facebook. That problem can be now finished thanks to this desktop application that keeps you up to date right on your desktop. Unfortunately it doesn't allow you to add a comment before sharing and doesn't show a share confirmation. Facebook for Chrome also allows you to right-click on a page to share directly to Facebook. Now you won't be taken away from what you're currently doing to like or interact with photos or stories in your news feed. The good news is that you can 'like' and comment on your news feed or photos within Facebook for Chrome. This is a shame, as Facebook for Chrome would have been great as a Facebook chat client. Clicking on a message or even will take you to the Facebook site. In this article, we will show you two different and easy ways to download and install Facebook on your Windows 11 PC or laptop. This article is for you if you’re wondering how to get it on your Windows PC. While you can view your messages and events, you can't interact with them inside the extension. I’m sure you already have the Facebook app on your phone, tablet, or iPad since it’s available for both Android and iOS. While all of this sounds great, there are a few drawbacks to Facebook for Chrome. With Facebook for Chrome, you can access your news feed, update your status, view notifications, view events, view pictures, and view your messages.