MEDYAD also allows for the specification of an X or Y that measures a property of the dyad rather than of the individual member of the dyad. MEDYAD allows up to twelve mediators (up to six measured on each member of the dyad, or twelve if each mediator measures an aspect of the relationship or a single member of the dyad) and can conduct contrasts between indirect effects within and between dyads and between and within mediators. Bootstrapping methods are available for inference about indirect effects and differences between them. Options are available for conducting all possible pairwise comparisons between indirect effects that can be constructed linking an X to a Y through an M.

MEDYAD estimates the direct and indirect effects of each actor’s X on their own and their partner’s Y through their own and their partner’s mediator M. In its most general form, it implements the Actor-Partner Independence Model extended to Mediation (APIMeM), but it is capable of simpler and more complex variants of the basic APIMeM.

MEDYAD is an easy-to-use regression-based computational tool for SPSS, SAS, and R that conducts mediation analysis with distinguishable dyadic data. Easy statistical mediation analysis with distinguishable dyadic data.